Electronic Connects provides smart city solutions for municipalities and property companies to monitor, analyze, integrate all key information resulting on enhanced revenue and reduced operation expenditure. Our integrated smart city solution delivers smart management and operations of the municipality and property estates by digitally transforming key systems, processes and people to deliver a safe, efficient and responsive organization.
Electronic Connect Smart City solution enables effective integration of physical, digital and human systems in the built environment to deliver sustainable, prosperous and inclusive future for citizens. The core driving force of a smart city is to meet the needs of urban transformation and develop innovative management style through in-depth urban informatization.
The basic connotation of Electronic Connect Smart City is to promote the integration of physical infrastructure and information infrastructure so as to build an urban intelligent infrastructure. We achieve this by leveraging full use of the new-generation information and communication technologies (ICT) such as Internet of Things (IoT), cloud computing, big data and mobile Internet in the various domains of urban economic and social development.
Electronic Connect Smart City solution allows the city managers and property landlords to enhance the operation and management level of the city or property estate, improve the administrative efficiency and increase the service provisioning capability of public service. These, in turn, improve the quality of life of the citizens or tenants in a more refined and dynamic way, as well as promote the scientific development of the city or property estate.