Work Force Management system
Community Response management system
Municipal Managers Assistant app
Police department Facility App

Work Force Management System

Locate field workforce in real-time, optimally schedule and dispatch work, enable field workforce with task information on the field, get real-time field insights and alerts, generate reports for analysis.

Community Response Management System

CRMS is a program driven by smart mobile technology that helps local Government link service delivery management to performance management. The program uses mobile technology, state of the art Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software and human capital to connect the citizens at ward level with their ward councillor and local Government. Experienced local Government experts, marketing and communication specialists, training and development specialists and software engineers have developed the program to help local Government to be effective.

Municipality Manager Assistant App (MMAA)

MMAA is a Smart mobile and web application MMs dashboard that assist the Municipality Manager implement council resolutions, monitor key financial performance, comply with legislation, implement post audit action items, monitor service delivery backlogs, monitor contract expiry and contract performance, schedule key deadlines, monitor human resource performance, manage usage of fleet, monitor progress on set KPIs and monitor customer satisfaction.

Public Safety Department Management App (PSDMA)

PSDMA is a Smart Mobile and web application that provides unique features to the Public Safety department to manage crime related complaints or reports submitted by citizen through Citizen Engagement app. Once the crime is reported it is electronically sent to the public safety department containing the location information ensuring automatic allocation of the reported case closer to the public safety official closer to the crime scene.


It is a communal taxi service that invests in the safety of its passengers and helps commuters get from point A to B with the convenience of an automated system from your smartphone anywhere.